Excellent craftsmanship and a pizza rocker cutter that will last forever. It was great weight to it and is a great add to our love for making brick oven pizza.
This was a gift to someone and they really love it!!
It’s a work of art….and it works like a charm.
This thing not only looks great on the wall, it cuts a serious slice. Super sharp and beautifully made, there’s no going back to a pizza wheel. Makes a great gift for the pizza lovers in your life!
Received the pizza cutter for my birthday this year. My pies are a little large for this cutter but it works great. I’ve used it over a dozen times. For my larger pies I simply make the first cut from one edge then overlap my cut to finish cutting the few extra inches. It quickly cuts through everything in its path and doesn’t leave a mess or pull toppings off like my traditional roller cutter does. So far the cutter has been easy to clean and held an edge. Well worth the upgrade!